Meet Savanna

Savanna Williams is a junior studying English with a concentration in Creative Writing. She is also minoring in film and literature. She’s acts as a Senior Editor on the staff of genesis and spends a great deal of time making our social media pop! Her favorite book is Wildfire by Hannah Grace. She enjoys writing but is mostly focused on poetry at the moment. She became a published poet through genesis in the Spring of 2023 with the piece Defending Death by Overdose. So, with bias, that would have to be her favorite issue! After graduation, Savanna plans to grow her dream of becoming a published writer and has high hopes of working for a big-name magazine. This dream and dedication blossomed after her junior year of high school when she was introduced to Edgar Allan Poe’s, The Black Cat. Being quite scared of horror and gore, she wouldn’t be afraid to live in one of Poe’s stories—as they are fictional and very much not real. As for somewhere more whimsical, she’d be open to checking out the planets from A Wrinkle in Time. Overall, Savanna is over the moon to be working alongside genesis this semester!