Have you ever wanted to share your writing with other published writers? The Indiana University-Indianapolis student readings allow for just this! At these readings, you can not only be an astute audience member, but you can be a part of the incredible writers sharing their work! Student readings this semester will be held on Wednesday, March 5th, and Thursday, May 1st at the Kurt Vonnegut Museum, another fantastic piece of Indiana’s literary history. There is no experience needed when it comes to these readings. You could read the first piece you’ve ever written or a piece you’ve spent the last four years refining. All are welcome! This is a great opportunity to have others hear your work and step out of your comfort zone and do something new! The literary reading provides for an artistic-filled evening, but it also allows for improvement in public speaking and presentation, all important skills to have.
The IUI student readings have been a vibrant part of the institute's history for quite a while now, providing students with a safe and fun environment to express themselves. At these events, students can sign up to perform poems, fiction pieces, non-fiction pieces, and even songs! The audience is heavily involved as well, being a part of the poem or prose-writing contests that take place, competing for prizes! With treats provided and great company, it’s always a lovely time!
I have very warm memories of the student readings! I’ve been a part of them since my freshman year at IUI. I went from being an audience member to hosting the shows. Through this experience, I was able to not only help put together the student readings but also get an even closer look at our writers and their processes. The first time I hosted the student readings I was nervous about being in front of a crowd, but having so many familiar faces and knowing that the people who were there truly cared about the arts made me feel ten times better. Being in a space where you know people care about what you’re saying means a lot and I could not be more thankful for IUI’s student readings.
If you are interested in reading at the next student reading do not hesitate to contact Terry Kirts at tkirts@iu.edu.
Sophia Foster is a junior at IUI planning to graduate with a major in English (Creative Writing) and minors in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and Political Science. She serves as one of genesis's Senior Editors and hopes to continue editorial work after graduating.